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HR ends "Tatort" with Broich and Koch

After 19 episodes, the current Frankfurt "Tatort" team will come to an end in 2024. However, Hessischer Rundfunk wants to continue investigating on the Main in the future. Details are to be announced soon.

The crime scene detectives Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich in Kassel.
The crime scene detectives Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich in Kassel.

Television - HR ends "Tatort" with Broich and Koch

Filming for the last Frankfurt "Tatort" with the investigative team Janneke and Brix - Margarita Broich and Wolfram Koch - has been completed. After almost ten years and 19 cases, Broich (63) and Koch (61) are saying goodbye to Frankfurt and the audience together, as the ARD broadcaster Hessischer Rundfunk (HR) announced on Tuesday. The last episode will be shown in the second half of 2024. Who will follow in the Frankfurt "Tatort" will be decided at the beginning of 2024, HR explained. It is certain that investigations will continue in the Main metropolis and the surrounding area.

"We would like to thank Margarita Broich and Wolfram Koch for a wonderful time together, during which they shaped Frankfurt'sTatort. Filming with them always felt like a family coming together," explained film producer Jörg Himstedt.

Their latest case, entitled "Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blüh'n", is about Tristan Grünfels (Matthias Brandt), a psychologist and victim counselor for the Frankfurt police, who keeps having blackouts and talking to himself. When he leaves for his practice one morning, he kills a police officer. Due to a misunderstanding, Grünfels of all people becomes the victim's counselor for the relatives - and thus accompanies Janneke and Brix in the murder investigation. The "Tatort" episode is expected to be broadcast in the second half of 2024 and is a production by Hessischer Rundfunk on behalf of ARD Degeto.

"Wolfram and I have known each other from the theater for many years, and filming the Frankfurt "Tatort" with him was pure pleasure," explained Broich. Now it's time to say goodbye to Frankfurt, "because we want to set off again, other projects, more theater and for me also more photography and a little more time for the grandchildren," said the actress.

Koch added that a "very nice, year-long journey" was coming to an end, during which the courageous editorial team had repeatedly pushed through very unusual film projects. "Now it's time for new journeys - I'm looking forward to it!"

hr press release from 19.12.2023

Read also:

  1. Despite the completion of filming for the last Frankfurt "Tatort," the investigations in Hesse's main metropolis and surrounding areas will continue.
  2. The crime scene of the latest "Tatort" episode, titled "Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurt's Berge blüh'n," is set in Frankfurt, Germany.
  3. Vorwegnehmen will, wer die Rolle der neuen Ermittlerpaar in der Frankfurt "Tatort" übernehmen wird, wird am Anfang von 2024 entschieden.
  4. Meanwhile in Frankfurt on the Main, the Hessischer Rundfunk (HR) announced the end of the popular crime series "Tatort" with Broich and Koch, after almost a decade and 19 cases.
  5. Broich and Koch, who have been part of Frankfurt's Tatort for almost ten years, expressed their gratitude towards the people of Frankfurt and the ARD broadcasting company Hessischer Rundfunk (HR).
  6. Wolfram Koch, known for his role in Frankfurt's Tatort, was pleased to team up with Broich in the popular show, as they share a long-standing bond from their theater days in Broich's hometown.


