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How to make the perfect raclette at home

For many people in this country, it is the classic winter meal: Raclette. Also popular at Christmas or New Year's Eve. But what is raclette actually? Where does it come from and, above all, how do you eat it properly?

Probably the most important ingredient in raclette is and remains the right
Probably the most important ingredient in raclette is and remains the right

Tips and tricks - How to make the perfect raclette at home

We Germans prefer to eat raclette in pans, heated by a raclette oven with an electrically heated stone. It's simple and suitable for large groups, a convivial meal. But the use of raclette ovens is a modern invention. Originally, a large piece of cheese was heated directly over an open fire and the melted cheese was scraped onto a piece of bread. This is where the name comes from: racler, which is French and means 'to scrape off'.

Today, raclette is one of Switzerland's national dishes alongside cheese fondue. A very special cheese is used: Swiss raclette cheese, which is made by hand. Hardly anything has changed in terms of preparation, only the open fires have become rarer.

Raclette cheese must be tangy and melt well. Raclette Suisse and Valais raclette are served in Switzerland. You have to be careful with raclette cheese from other countries, as many use the preservative E235, which contains natamycin. Consumer advice centers recommend cutting off half a centimeter of the rind. You don't have to worry about this with Swiss raclette cheese. It is free from preservatives and additives.

How to eat raclette properly

If you don't want to melt the cheese around a campfire with a group of friends, modern appliances are now available. For example, the popular raclette oven with an electrically heated stone. This is the most commonly used. Or you can use an oven for cheese halves. The cheese is clamped into a holder and melted with a heating coil. The cheese can then be scraped onto the plate or bread with a knife.

1. basic equipment

The best thing to do is to get a raclette oven, which is available everywhere(some appliances are presented here). In summer, you can also prepare the raclette pans on the barbecue.

2. cheese

Calculate 200 to 250 grams of raclette cheese per person. Cheese can be bought ready-sliced at the cheese counter or in the chiller cabinet. You should take the cheese out of the fridge 30 minutes before eating so that it can develop its full flavor. If you buy cheese in one piece, you can portion it as required.

3. side dishes

Raclette was originally served with potatoes, silver onions and gherkins. You can of course add whatever you like: ham, asparagus, fresh vegetables, pears, pumpkin, but also pieces of meat.

4. drinks

In Switzerland, white wine is typically served with raclette. Preferably a dry one. As with cheese fondue. If you don't like alcohol, you can add black or herbal tea, which also stimulates digestion.

More raclette recipes at

Raclette test: Click here for the raclette comparison.

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