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How to get rid of basement wwworms

In the garden and sometimes at home

Cellar crustaceans are assigned to higher crustaceans.
Cellar crustaceans are assigned to higher crustaceans.

How to get rid of basement wwworms

Who doesn't know them, these little armored creatures that can be found under every overturned stone. A little disgust comes automatically when looking at them. But is that justified? Do pill bugs cause damage, are they dangerous. And how do you get rid of them?

Pill bugs, also known as Isopoda in specialist terminology, are not classified as insects but as the crustacean family. Their preferred habitat are moist environments, which they need to keep their respiratory organs, called gills, functioning. In dry environments, these small armored crabbers would face similar difficulties as a camel in the Arctic - they need high humidity to survive.

Pill bugs can grow up to 18 millimeters long, are flat, and their body has a kind of armor. Their color ranges from Gray to Dark Brown. Pill bugs that absorb heavy metals from their environment glow bluish or violet, earning them the nickname "Blue Angel." They have seven pairs of legs and two pairs of antennae, which help them explore their environment and detect moisture.

Night active and prefer to travel in groups

Pill bugs are nocturnal animals. During the day, they hide in dark, moist places such as under flower pots, in cellars or under wood piles. These hiding places provide them protection from natural enemies and the necessary moisture they need to survive. They are not territorial and often live in large groups.

Pill bugs are omnivores that mainly feed on decaying plant material. They play an important role in the ecosystem by helping decompose dead organic matter. This is an essential process for soil fertility. Rarely, pill bugs eat fresh plant parts, making them potential pests in gardens. However, this aspect can be overlooked.

Damage caused by pill bugs?

Pill bugs are relatively harmless in the household hierarchy: They don't damage furniture like termites and don't have a preference for human sweaters like moths. However, they have the ability to appear in large numbers and, in doing so, can damage fresh garden plants. To prevent a pill bug invasion, it is not about complicated diplomacy but simple moisture control. Good watering without the garden becoming too soggy and removing everything that is wet and not part of the salad are the best strategies.

For humans, pill bugs are generally harmless. They do not transmit diseases and are not allergens. Their presence in a home or house is, however, an unreliable sign of a moisture problem that needs to be addressed. As houseguests, they are also simply unpleasant.

To prevent pill bugs, it is sensible to keep everything around the house dry. Means like a mixture of water and vinegar or spreading cayenne pepper and cinnamon do not work as repellents. In addition, the gutters to the house should be controlled for cracks and gaps.

Pests in the garden context can sometimes include animals like pill bugs, particularly when they damage fresh plant parts in large numbers. Proper education on natural protection methods, such as maintaining soil moisture levels and preventing moisture build-up, can help manage these situations effectively, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

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