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How much does it cost to safeguard famous political figures during the carnival? (AfD)

The AfD suspiciously questions the congenial activities of NRW's top politicians at Carnival 2024, asking "How many bodyguards does the taxpayer provide?" The Minister of the Interior responds.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst takes part in the Rose Monday parade.
North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst takes part in the Rose Monday parade.

Carnival Events: Fun and Excitement Awaits! - How much does it cost to safeguard famous political figures during the carnival? (AfD)

North Rhine-Westphalia's head of government Hendrik Wüst and his Interior Minister Herbert Reul (both from the CDU) are famous for their love of carnival - and the additional costs for security personnel that come with their wild celebrations amuse the opposition party AfD. Their parliamentary representative Sven Tritschler wanted to find out more and asked the Düsseldorf parliament: "Political celebrities during carnival - How many bodyguards does the taxpayer have to pay for?"

In a response released on Wednesday, Minister Reul named over two dozen carnival events where police bodyguards were in use this year - 16 of them in Cologne, the carnival capital, as well as others in Düsseldorf, Aachen, Bonn, Coesfeld, Krefeld, Oberodenthal, and at Reul's hometown of Leichlingen. From the announcement of the Three Kings in Cologne to the presentation of the carnival horse and the Order against Animal Seriousness, there are hardly any carnival highlights in NRW that were not attended by police bodyguards.

However, when it comes to the specifics, the Interior Minister kept silent. The AfD did not receive a list of potentially endangered people during carnival nor were they told about the number of police officers and hours worked for this purpose. "No information can be given about the intensity of these measures for confidentiality reasons," answered Reul.

Read also:

  1. Despite the AfD's interest in the cost of securing political figures during Carnival, the CDU's Interior Minister Herbert Reul only revealed the locations of bodyguard deployments in various North Rhine-Westphalia cities, such as Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Leichlingen.
  2. Hendrik Wüst, the head of government in North Rhine-Westphalia, and his CDU colleague Herbert Reul, have been known for their enthusiastic participation in Carnival events, leading to increased security costs that amuse the AfD opposition.
  3. The AfD's parliamentary representative Sven Tritschler sought clarity on the financial burden of safeguarding political celebrities during Carnival, questioning the Düsseldorf parliament about the number of bodyguards and associated expenses.
  4. The cost and specifics of these security measures remain confidential, according to Interior Minister Reul, who declined to share a list of potentially endangered political figures or the number of police officers and hours dedication for their protection during Carnival.
  5. In a response to the AfD's inquiry, Minister Reul disclosed the presence of police bodyguards at over two dozen Carnival events throughout North Rhine-Westphalia, including at notable locations like the Carnival horse presentation and the Three Kings proclamation in Cologne.
  6. Political figures such as Hendrik Wüst and Herbert Reul, being popular figures in North Rhine-Westphalia's political landscape and enjoying the festive atmosphere of Carnival, draw significant attention and security concerns during these events, which have a noticeable impact on public budgets and resources, as the AfD has pointed out.

