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How much does an engineer earn in Germany

Details about the salaries of engineers in different professional fields.

How much does an engineer earn in Germany / Photo: Michal Jarmoluk / Pixabay
Photo: Michal Jarmoluk / Pixabay

To understand how much an engineer earns, it is necessary to learn more about the profession. Anyone who wants to become an engineer usually chooses from numerous professional fields.

Related topic: How to find a high-paying job in Germany

These include civil construction, mechanical engineering, and industrial design. The salary will vary depending on the chosen field.

Average engineer salary nationwide

The average salary for engineers is 4168 euros gross per month.

This amount depends on various factors such as:

  • The industry;
  • Company size;
  • Professional experience;
  • Location.

While engineers in Bavaria, for example, earn an average of 3930 euros, those in Schleswig-Holstein receive 3481 euros gross per month. Engineers have a wide range of professions and can specialize in various industries.

Depending on education, salaries, and job type, engineer salaries may also vary. Anyone aspiring to become an engineer should delve into specific professional fields.

Civil engineers, on average, earn 4220 euros. People in this industry are responsible for planning, constructing, and operating various facilities. Additionally, civil engineers can specialize in areas that can affect their daily tasks.

Сколько зарабатывает инженер, зависит от выбранной отрасли. Фото: RAEng_Publications / Pixabay
How much does an engineer earn in Germany. Photo: RAEng_Publications / Pixabay

For example, there is:

  • Civil construction and building construction;
  • Jater and environmental management;
  • Expanding transportation infrastructure.

Job titles can also vary depending on specialization.

Electrical engineers earn an average of 4405 euros. They are involved in the development, production, assembly, and design of electronic systems, procedures, machines, and systems. In this field, engineers can also specialize and become experts in energy, communications, or drive technology.

They often work in environmental technology and deal with renewable energy sources, solar panels, and wind turbines. In drive technology, responsibilities revolve around the functionality of vehicles and aircraft, for example.

Development engineers earn an average of 4610 euros. They are involved in the further and new development of machines, mechatronic, and electronic systems. In this field, they also develop and design prototypes, create concepts, and test programs using relevant software.

The article provides insights on the average salaries of engineers in different regions of Germany, with civil engineers earning an average of 4220 euros in Bavaria and those in Schleswig-Holstein receiving a lower average salary of 3481 euros.

Also, electrical engineers in Germany earn an average salary of 4405 euros, largely due to their involvement in various sectors such as energy, communications, and drive technology.

