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How fast does hair grow: myths and reality

The speed of hair growth and its volume is a topic that continues to concern many people.

 How fast does hair grow: myths and reality / Photo:

Promises of advertising campaigns about miraculous products capable of transforming a short haircut into a luxurious mane in one night sound tempting.

How fast does hair grow: myths and reality

But what does science really say about the speed of hair growth, and is it possible to make it grow faster? Let's delve into it, relying on medical facts and specialist recommendations.

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Scientific facts about hair growth

On average, a person's hair grows about 1-1.5 centimeters per month. This process depends on various factors, including genetics, hormonal balance, overall health, and hair care.

Dermatologists confirm that certain conditions or illnesses can either slow down or accelerate this process, but expecting instant results is not advisable.

Myth 1:
Special shampoos and conditioners can accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss.

In reality, most of these products work on the surface of the scalp and cannot significantly influence the speed of hair growth.

Myth 2:
Frequent haircuts contribute to faster hair growth.

This is a common misconception. Haircuts keep the hair neat and prevent split ends but do not affect the speed of growth.

Practical tips:

  1. Proper nutrition: Proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, and B group, as well as minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium, are essential for hair health. Include more nuts, seeds, greens, fruits, and protein in your diet.
  2. Scalp massage: Improves blood circulation, which can have a positive impact on the nutrition of hair follicles.
  3. Stress management: Chronic stress can lead to hair loss. Practice relaxation techniques and ensure an adequate amount of rest.

Dealing with hair loss: Three effective steps:

  1. Consultation with a trichologist: If hair loss becomes a noticeable problem, seeking advice from a specialist is recommended.
  2. Medication: Drugs like minoxidil may be prescribed to stimulate hair growth.
  3. Proper care: Using sulfate and paraben-free shampoos can help maintain hair health.

Fast hair growth is more of a myth than a reality. However, proper care, balanced nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle can improve hair condition and contribute to natural growth. - your digital trichologist

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Be patient and consistent in your efforts, and you will see results.

Given the text, here are two sentences that contain the words "special shampoos" and "conditioners" and follow the context:

Special shampoos and conditioners, as mentioned earlier, often advertise their ability to accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss, but their effectiveness is limited to influencing the scalp surface and not the speed of hair growth significantly.

Regarding myth 1, there are numerous special shampoos and conditioners that claim to accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss, though most of their impact is limited to the surface of the scalp.

