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How do Hesse's prominent politicians celebrate Christmas?

Some peace and quiet, delicious food and time with loved ones: prominent politicians in Hesse are also looking forward to Christmas. Traditions play a role for many of them.

Christmas decorations hanging in front of the Lion of Hesse on a tree in the State
Christmas decorations hanging in front of the Lion of Hesse on a tree in the State Chancellery.

Customs - How do Hesse's prominent politicians celebrate Christmas?

Hesse's Minister President Boris Rhein(CDU) is maintaining a cherished Christmas tradition again this year. "Like every year, we want to climb the Altkönig," he told the German Press Agency in Wiesbaden. The hike up the mountain in the Taunus is also planned for when it snows. "I'm looking forward to that."

When it comes to Christmas trees, the head of government has a rather unusual preference: it has to be a pine. In his youth, he used to sell Christmas trees in front of the Frauenfriedenskirche church in Frankfurt, reported Rhein. At some point, Nordmann firs came along and everyone wanted these trees. "But I think a pine is such a beautiful, original tree," said Rhein.

Justice Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) will visit two prisons on December 24th, as his spokeswoman explained. "He will thank the staff there for their hard work over the holidays." The evening will then belong to the family. "The minister is looking forward to a quiet Christmas Eve with potato salad and festive music," the spokesperson added. "On Christmas Day, the main focus is on family visits, first and foremost spending time with his 84-year-old mother and 88-year-old mother-in-law."

The Poseck family's traditions include potato salad on Christmas Eve and a goose dinner on Christmas Day. A visit to the church service in Limburg Cathedral is also planned. Between the years, work is on the minister's agenda before he travels to Austria for a week's vacation at the beginning of January.

Culture Minister Alexander Lorz (CDU) will be spending Christmas and New Year on the North Sea island of Föhr for the first time, which he usually visits mainly for his summer vacation, according to a ministry spokesperson.

The leader of the Green Party in the state parliament, Mathias Wagner, is celebrating on Christmas Eve "on a very small scale", in his own words, with Christmas Day reserved for his parents. "Traditionally, there are two types of potato salad with sausages," said Wagner. This year, the potatoes came from the Green Party colleague Hans-Jürgen Müller's own harvest. "The only thing on the calendar between the years is rest and relaxation," added Wagner. "I enjoy this time when everything is a little slower and quieter everywhere for a few days. It's a lovely atmosphere all of its own."

The chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Günter Rudolph, celebrates Christmas with his family. "Choosing and decorating the Christmas tree together is the most beautiful tradition and our special ritual," he said. "I spend the time between the years with my family, a good book and long walks."

"I spend Christmas with my family and enjoy the family hustle and bustle and the peace and quiet at the same time," explained Ines Claus, CDU parliamentary group leader in the state parliament. "On Christmas Eve, we go to the church service together, including the nativity play, in which two of our children take part - as Mary and the second shepherd." Afterwards, they play music at home and traditionally enjoy the magic of the Christ Child.

"Above all, I enjoy the time with my family and the contemplative, quiet time in which I recharge my batteries by going for walks, playing and reading, reviewing the last few very exciting months and planning the upcoming topics," Claus added.

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