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Corona can still be a serious illness for particularly vulnerable groups without
Corona can still be a serious illness for particularly vulnerable groups without appropriate vaccination

How dangerous is a coronavirus infection?

Mandatory masks, regular testing and quarantine rules: just a year ago, this was part of everyday life. The coronavirus pandemic is now over. But the virus has remained - and is causing numerous infections just in time for the cold season. But should we be worried about infection? Does a booster vaccination make sense? And what is the situation in intensive care units? answers the most important questions:

What is the current corona situation?

The cold season is in full swing. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), around 7.2 million people are currently suffering from acute respiratory illnesses - and the trend is rising. Rhinoviruses are mainly responsible for this; these cold viruses account for 31 percent of all respiratory infections. However, SARS-CoV-2 follows right behind with 20 percent, and the number of unreported cases is likely to be significantly higher.

What happens next?

Some experts assume that the pressure from coronavirus on hospitals and intensive care units will continue to increase in the coming weeks. Epidemiologist and virologist Klaus Stöhr is one of them: "I think it will be more intense this winter," he told the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, referring to a possible wave of coronavirus infections. After three years of a pandemic in Germany, an immune status similar to that of other respiratory pathogens after many years of endemic infection has not yet been achieved. Older people with pre-existing conditions are particularly at risk. According to most experts, however, there is no longer a threat of massively severe cases or even an overburdening of the healthcare system.

How dangerous is an infection?

"For particularly vulnerable groups without appropriate vaccination protection, corona can still be a serious illness," Markus Beier, Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, told Die Welt. According to the RKI, patients have to be hospitalized in around 28 percent of Covid-19 cases. Since the beginning of October, 1336 people have died as a result of a corona infection. Almost all of them (97%) were aged 60 or over. Young and healthy people, on the other hand, were generally only slightly ill.

What is the coronavirus situation in intensive care units?

Although the number of Covid cases treated in intensive care has been slowly rising again since August, the situation in intensive care units is relaxed. As the DIVI Intensive Care Register shows, the proportion of Covid patients occupying intensive care beds is in the single-digit percentage range nationwide. On November 28, coronavirus patients required a total of 469 intensive care beds. By comparison, at the height of the pandemic, around January 2021, more than 5,700 beds in intensive care units were occupied by coronavirus patients.

Which underlying diseases increase the risk?

This mainly affects people with chronic respiratory diseases, chronic cardiovascular, liver and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases. There is also an increased risk for people with obesity and diseases of the central nervous system, with trisomy 21 or with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

Which coronavirus variants are currently circulating?

Since May, mainly Omikron variants (XBB.1) have been circulating. In the current ARE weekly report of the RKI, the proportion of the Omikron subline EG.5 (also known as Eris) is just under 51 percent. As in previous weeks, this makes it the predominant coronavirus variant in Germany. Pirola (BA.2.86) is less widespread so far. It has only been detected in five percent of samples. Due to the many mutations on the spike protein, this subtype has led to increased vigilance, but has not yet been able to establish itself. In the USA, a direct descendant of Eris is currently spreading particularly quickly: HV.1. HV.1 has not yet arrived in Germany, although experts expect it to do so in the coming months. There is no indication that any of the variants could cause more severe cases than their predecessors.

Do booster vaccines protect against the new variants?

Both the booster vaccine from Biontech and that from Moderna are adapted to the XBB.1.5 subline and are also said to be effective against the circulating Omikron variant EG.5. Studies with the Moderna vaccine show that it is also effective against Pirola. It is not yet clear whether the Biontech vaccine is also effective against Pirola. However, as it is very similar to the Moderna vaccine, it can be assumed that it is, according to the Pharmazeutische Zeitung.

Who should get vaccinated now?

According to the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), basic immunization is currently sufficient for all healthy people between the ages of 18 and 59. This means: at least two vaccinations and one infection or booster vaccination. This provides sufficient protection against serious illnesses. For people aged 60 and over or those at risk of severe Covid-19, the STIKO recommends further booster vaccinations twelve months after the last vaccination or illness - preferably in the fall. No Covid-19 vaccinations are currently necessary for healthy children and adolescents.

Does another booster protect against infection?

For a short time, a further booster vaccination can strengthen mucosal immunity and thus temporarily protect against coronavirus infection - but not in the long term. Antibodies decrease relatively quickly after vaccination. However, the booster can strengthen T-cell immunity and thus protect against a severe course of the disease in the long term.

Can you be vaccinated against coronavirus and flu at the same time?

Yes, and immunologists and many doctors recommend this for older people and those at increased risk. Two separate vaccinations are currently administered. A combined coronavirus-influenza vaccine is currently being developed. The vaccine manufacturers Biontech and Moderna expect this to come onto the market in 2025.


