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How a clean desk can lower stress

A psychologist details his insights on the subject.

Everything in its place - and not too much: a tidy desk helps you to concentrate on your work.
Everything in its place - and not too much: a tidy desk helps you to concentrate on your work.

How a clean desk can lower stress

Are You Suffering from Creative Chaos at Your Desk? A Messy Workspace Can Affect Your Productivity and How Others Perceive You. Here's How to Improve It.

For those who work in an office setting, maintaining an organized and clutter-free desk is essential - it not only helps you focus better but also creates a better perception for others around you. Psychologist Iris Dohmen shares insights on the importance of a clean desk in an interview.

Why is an organized desk important for better productivity and well-being?

Iris Dohmen: It's all about self-organization and time management. When I keep my desk tidy, I can reduce my stress levels in the process.

In a work environment, outer appearance matters. A cluttered desk could lead to negative judgments from supervisors and colleagues. For instance, imagine when important documents cannot be found during a co-worker's absence. Or when a client visits and forms an unfavorable opinion due to the state of your workspace. This may also cause stress for other employees and eventually for yourself.

Recent studies have shown that a messy workspace is often associated with disorganization and a lack of commitment to work.

What are the major distractions and what should ideally be on your desk apart from necessary work materials?

A picture of children or a loved one can be helpful in tough situations. For example, when dealing with a difficult phone conversation with a customer: In that instance, looking at the photo can temporarily boost positive feelings.

Of course, there are also desks cluttered with non-work-related items: For instance, there's a Sudoku puzzle or gossip sheet, which inevitably distracts. Maintaining a balance here is crucial. Even stuff that belongs to work but is not currently on your to-do list should not be prominent. This can hinder concentration.

However, something that brings emotional positivity can also be present on your desk - like a family photo. Or a plant. Even a stress ball helps in tense situations.

What does your desk usually look like?

My desk is organized by themes. The most crucial items are in the forefront and readily available. As you would prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency when managing your time, your desk should be sorted similarly.

For example, if a particularly important customer is expected to call in the next couple of days, I need to have the necessary materials close at hand. This prevents unprofessionalism.

Previously, my desk was full of Post-its and disorganized. The switch to digital note-taking with tools like Outlook Calendar has worked out well for me.

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