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Housing construction in Thuringia: Slump in building permits

Cranes and scaffolding stand on the construction site of an apartment
Cranes and scaffolding stand on the construction site of an apartment

Housing construction in Thuringia: Slump in building permits

Thuringia has seen a drastic decline in building permits for apartments this year due to rising construction prices and worsening financing conditions. By the end of the third quarter, 1522 fewer residential buildings had been approved than from April to the end of September 2022, according to figures released by the State Statistical Office on Wednesday. The decline compared to the same period in the previous year was 44.7 percent. In the first nine months of 2023, the authorities approved the construction of 1884 apartments, compared to 3406 a year earlier.

According to the figures, the number of building permits for detached and semi-detached houses fell by half to 730 apartments. Building permits for apartments in apartment buildings fell similarly sharply - by almost 49 percent to 901. According to the state office, apartment buildings account for around half of residential construction in Thuringia.

The situation for the renovation of apartments remained almost stable. From January to the end of September, 596 building permits for conversions and extensions were counted, compared to 598 in the same period last year.

The only increase was in the number of permits for apartments in residential homes, which rose from 98 to 208 in the period under review. According to the state office, these are, for example, residential homes for senior citizens.

Despite the decrease in apartment approvals, there's still a demand for construction in senior living facilities, as evidenced by the 106% increase in building permits for apartments in residential homes. Due to the decline in building permits, the number of living spaces available through new construction has significantly decreased, according to the statistics.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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