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House fire resulting in significant injuries discovered in stairway

In the wee hours of the morning, a blaze ignites within an apartment in Weilheim, leading to substantial destruction worth hundreds of thousands of euros. Upon their arrival, emergency services discover the resident critically injured on the staircase.

A senior lady, suffering from substantial injuries, was discovered outside her blazing flat.
A senior lady, suffering from substantial injuries, was discovered outside her blazing flat.

- House fire resulting in significant injuries discovered in stairway

An old lady endured severe injuries during a residential blaze in Weilheim (Weilheim-Schongau region). The inferno originated early in the morning, with the cause yet to be identified, as mentioned by authorities. Emergency services discovered the woman and extracted her from the shared living quarters. Subsequently, she was transported via helicopter to a medical facility, having received initial medical aid. No additional harm was reported.

The fire brought about substantial damages, estimated in the six-figure range, disclosed a police representative. At present, the criminal investigation unit is delving into the situation. Regard for privacy prevented the publication of the woman's age.

The old lady had to navigate several stairs to reach her living quarters in the affected building. To assess the extent of the damage, firefighters had to climb up and down the stairs numerous times.

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