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House burns down in Freistenau - residents escape

In Freiensteinau, a timber-framed house is burning fiercely. The residents are able to save themselves. One person is injured.

160 firefighters were in action to extinguish a fire in a timber-framed house in the municipality...
160 firefighters were in action to extinguish a fire in a timber-framed house in the municipality of Freiensteinau.

- House burns down in Freistenau - residents escape

In a fire in Freiensteinau (Vogelsberg district), a timber-framed house was severely damaged. As the fire department reported, an apartment on the first floor was already ablaze when they arrived on Saturday evening. All eight residents of the house managed to evacuate safely on their own.

A man sustained minor injuries. According to the police, the 52-year-old had to be taken to a hospital with suspected smoke inhalation. Firefighting operations continued until late into the night.

Currently, the timber-framed house is uninhabitable. The police estimate the damage at around 150,000 euros. The cause of the fire is now being investigated by the criminal police.

The 52-year-old was taken to the hospital by the police due to smoke inhalation. The criminal police are currently investigating the cause of the fire at the uninhabitable house.

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