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"Hour of the Winter Birds": Counting birds for nature conservation

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Nabu) is once again calling on nature lovers to spend an hour counting the birds in their surroundings. The nationwide Nabu campaign "Hour of the Winter Birds" is taking place for the 14th time and is intended to help better assess the situation...

A great tit sitting on a branch.
A great tit sitting on a branch.

Animals - "Hour of the Winter Birds": Counting birds for nature conservation

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Nabu) is once again calling on nature lovers to spend an hour counting the birds in their surroundings. The nationwide Nabu campaign "Hour of Winter Birds" is taking place for the 14th time and should help to better assess the situation of birds in the state, the Nabu in Rhineland-Palatinate announced on Wednesday.

This year, the association is hoping in particular to gather information on winter visitors such as siskins, bramblings and waxwings from colder regions. Anyone wishing to take part can take an hour between this Friday and Sunday to record the highest number of each bird species seen at the same time during the hour. The results can be reported on the website, via the app or by telephone.

Last year, 4,700 people from Rhineland-Palatinate took part in the campaign. The top bird in both Rhineland-Palatinate and nationwide was the house sparrow, followed by the great tit and the blue tit.

Hour of the winter birds

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