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Hotels and restaurants undergo customs scrutiny.

These industries - hotels, restaurants, and pubs - have a high demand for workers.

Customs staff carry out an inspection.
Customs staff carry out an inspection.

Hidden Labor - Hotels and restaurants undergo customs scrutiny.

On Saturday, customs officials carried out nationwide checks in hotels and inns to tackle black market work and illicit employment. At Frankfurt's primary customs office, 31 inspectors were joined by 14 cashiers, tax inquirers, and auxiliary officers from the Finance Office. They spoke to nine businesses and interviewed a grand total of 43 male and female employees.

Of the interviewees, three Indians, three Turks, an Albanian, and a Serb allegedly didn't possess the necessary residence permits. The officials also suspected that social insurance registration was missing in 23 instances. Furthermore, in ten cases, they assumed the employees weren't paid the statutory minimum wage of 12.41 euros per hour.

Regularly, the main customs office discovers infractions in various manipulation and implementation methods in the personal-intensive sectors of the hotel and food service industry, where dealing with fluctuating work hours is the norm. A spokesperson clarified: "Some employers conceal the total hours worked to avoid paying the minimum wage by not properly maintaining time records."

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Despite the scrutiny, many individuals in the hospitality industry in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, continue to engage in undeclared work. On Sunday, some restaurants may be operating without following proper customs and labor regulations, providing a challenge for authorities. This issue isn't unique to Frankfurt; it's a common concern in the gastronomy sector across Germany.

When visiting Frankfurt, travelers might unknowingly support these establishments, potentially contributing to the crime of employing workers without proper documentation or social insurance registration. The city's vibrant hospitality industry is a vital part of the local economy and culture, and it is essential that it operates within legal boundaries to ensure a fair and equitable work environment for all employees.



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