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Hotel partially collapsed, child among the dead

A hotel partially collapses - the rubble buries several people, including a child.

Beneath the rubble of a hotel in Króv, several people are still trapped.}
Beneath the rubble of a hotel in Króv, several people are still trapped.}

- Hotel partially collapsed, child among the dead

Under the rubble of a partially collapsed hotel in the Mosel town of Kröv in Rhineland-Palatinate, a child is also trapped. The child is physically unharmed and contact has been established, a police spokesman said. Initially, "Bild" reported on this.

One fatality has been located among the rescue teams. Eight more people are still trapped in the building, some with serious injuries. Contact has been lost with two of them.

According to the police, a floor of the building in the Verbandsgemeinde Traben-Trarbach collapsed around 11 pm. There were 14 people in the house at the time, five of whom were able to escape unharmed. 31 residents from the immediate vicinity had to be evacuated.

The search for other potential survivors continues amidst the rubble. The incident has resulted in the evacuation of buildings nearby, affecting additional residents.

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