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Hotel guests in Frankfurt criticize crime and dirt

Many negative hotel reviews in the station district relate to circumstances over which they have no influence. An initiative has had thousands of comments evaluated - and has demands for the city.

The hotels in Frankfurt's Bahnhofsviertel district say they are suffering economically from the...
The hotels in Frankfurt's Bahnhofsviertel district say they are suffering economically from the conditions in the district. (symbolic photo)

Station district - Hotel guests in Frankfurt criticize crime and dirt

Over half of the negative online reviews for Hotels in the Frankfurt Bahnhofsviertel criticize a lack of security and dirtiness in the district. This was the findings of an investigation into approximately 400,000 negative comments on Google Maps commissioned by the Bahnhofsviertel Owners Initiative, as the initiative of 20 property owners announced.

Approximately 52% of the comments reportedly concern issues of cleanliness, fear of crime, the number of drug dealers, addicts, and homeless people on the district's streets. In addition, complaints about noise pollution and the lack and high cost of parking spaces were noted. However, the Hotels in the Bahnhofsviertel had no influence on these issues.

"These negative evaluations have significant economic consequences and permanently damage the image of the businesses in the district," the Initiative criticized in its statement. In only around 3.6% of the negative evaluations was the Hotel service criticized.

The district is Frankfurt's largest hotel location: Around 85 accommodation businesses are located there. Therefore, the Initiative demands that the city invest in security in the Bahnhofsviertel and focus more on the economic interests of the local businesses.

The district's reputation in Frankfurt am Main, specifically the Bahnhofsviertel, is negatively impacted by issues of crime and cleanliness, as highlighted in a study analyzing over 400,000 reviews on Google Maps. This problematic situation is shared by approximately 85 hotels in the area, contributing to their decreased hospitality industry performance. Despite their efforts, these establishments have minimal control over the crime, drug activities, and homelessness prevalent in the Station district of Hesse, Frankfurt.

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