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Hostage-taking at the airport: Interior and Economic Committee meets

Around six weeks after the hostage-taking at Hamburg Airport, the Interior and Economic Affairs Committee of the Hamburg Parliament will be discussing the airport's security concept on Thursday (17:00). The MPs want to spend around an hour on the topic, as can be seen from the invitation to the...

Concrete barriers secure an entrance to the airfield at the north gate of Hamburg Airport.
Concrete barriers secure an entrance to the airfield at the north gate of Hamburg Airport.

Air traffic - Hostage-taking at the airport: Interior and Economic Committee meets

Around six weeks after the hostage-taking at Hamburg Airport, the Interior and Economic Affairs Committee of the Hamburg Parliament will be discussing the airport's security concept on Thursday (17:00). The MPs want to spend around an hour on the topic, as can be seen from the invitation to the meeting.

On November 4, a 35-year-old man in a rental car broke through a barrier consisting of several gates and raced onto the airport apron. His four-year-old daughter was also in the car. According to the public prosecutor's office, he fired three shots from a pistol, threw two incendiary devices and threatened with a bomb, which later turned out to be a dummy.

The background to the crime was a custody dispute: The man wanted to force his daughter, who had previously been abducted from his ex-wife's apartment in Stade (Lower Saxony), to leave the country for Turkey. The hostage-taker only surrendered after around 18 hours of negotiations.

The airport was completely closed during the hostage-taking. Thousands of passengers were therefore unable to leave or land in Hamburg. On the evening of the incident, stranded passengers were still complaining about how it was possible to simply drive onto the apron in a car.

Police statement of 4.11.23 Agenda of the Committee on Internal Affairs

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