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The hostage-taker is led away by the police at Hamburg
The hostage-taker is led away by the police at Hamburg

Hostage-taker to be brought before magistrate

The hostage-taker from Hamburg Airport is to be brought before the magistrate on Monday. "There is still no warrant for his arrest, he has not yet been brought before a magistrate," senior public prosecutor Liddy Oechtering told the German Press Agency in Hamburg on Monday.

The 35-year-old was placed in a remand prison after the police measures were completed, according to the police. A police spokesman explained that evidence had been seized, the Turkish citizen had undergone identity checks and blood samples had been taken.

After a provisional arrest for a criminal offense, a suspect must be brought before a magistrate within 24 hours, who decides on the pre-trial detention and issues a corresponding arrest warrant.

According to the police, the man had abducted his four-year-old daughter from her mother's apartment in Stade on Saturday and fled with her in a car in the direction of Hamburg. At the airport, he had broken through a barrier and driven the car onto the apron of the airport. After a war of nerves lasting more than 18 hours, the man surrendered to the police on Sunday afternoon. The hostage-taking ended without bloodshed.

The disruption at Hamburg Airport due to the hostage situation has led to temporary changes in air traffic management. Regrettably, this incident also highlights the unsettling link between such crimes and the potential for increased security threats.




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