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Honest finder hands in 16,000 euros in cash to the police

It must have been a big scare. A teacher from abroad loses a bag containing thousands of euros that was meant for his pupils. But luckily there are honest people in Lübeck.

A brief shock, then great luck
A brief shock, then great luck

Luck in misfortune - Honest finder hands in 16,000 euros in cash to the police

An honest finder and a fortunate teacher: A 55-year-old resident of Lübeck found a bag with 16,400 Euro cash near a school - and handed it over to the police in Lübeck. Shortly afterwards, a teacher from a foreign school came to report the loss of the bag, according to the police. The teacher was overjoyed to receive his bag back. He can now use the money as planned for his students during the Handball-Days Lübeck - and in full, as the honest Lübecker had even waived his finder's fee.

The loss of the teacher's bag was a misfortune, affecting the plans for the Handball-Days Lübeck. Despite being in Lübeck, this incident highlights the importance of honesty in society. The police in Schleswig-Holstein, where Lübeck is located, played a crucial role in returning the bag to its rightful owner. The teacher's happiness knew no bounds upon receiving his bag back, filled with the intended money for his students.

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