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Homicide Verdict Confirmed: Fatal Incident Occurs within Brandenburg Wehrmacht Shelter

After three years, the man who brutally killed his ex-girlfriend inside a former Wehrmacht bunker in Brandenburg has been given a life sentence. The Highest German Court (BGH) has confirmed the validity of the sentence, stating that there were no legal flaws that favored the defendant, as...

Justitia sculpture
Justitia sculpture

Homicide Verdict Confirmed: Fatal Incident Occurs within Brandenburg Wehrmacht Shelter

In July 2021, a dude dragged his ex-girlfriend to a blast-proof shelter at Grabensee, Oranienburg, under the pretense of having a chat or making amends. However, what he actually did was stab her seven times, resulting in her death. He couldn't stomach the thought of her sleeping with other guys after they broke up.

The court case went on for a while. In February 2022, the defendant was initially sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for manslaughter by the Regional Court. The Public Prosecutor's Office and the civil plaintiff weren't satisfied with this verdict and appealed to the Federal Court of Justice for a conviction of murder.

The Federal Court of Justice further examined the case in March 2023 and discovered that crucial pieces of evidence had been overlooked in the first trial. They overturned the judgment and sent the case back to the Regional Court for another trial. After the trial took place again, the defendant was convicted for murder in January 2024 by the Regional Court.

The defendant then appealed to the Federal Court of Justice against this second judgment from Neuruppin. However, they found no legal errors, so the conviction was upheld. The evidence suggested that the motivations for the murder were personal and the violence was minimal. The woman was unarmed and argumentative when she entered the bunker.

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The Wehrmacht bunker at Grabensee, Oranienburg, was the tragic location of a murder. This horrific act took place in July 2021, within the same bunker where a man took his unarmed and argumentative girlfriend, intending to discuss their break-up. However, the conversation turned deadly, resulting in her death due to seven stab wounds.

The initial verdict in February 2022 was for manslaughter, but the Public Prosecutor's Office and the civil plaintiff disagreed and appealed to the Federal Court of Justice for a murder conviction.

The Federal Court of Justice examined the case in detail, discovering overlooked evidence in the first trial. They overturned the judgment and ordered a retrial, which in January 2024 concluded with the defendant being convicted of murder by the Regional Court in Neuruppen.

The defendant then decided to appeal again to the Federal Court of Justice, but this time, they found no legal errors, upholding the conviction in March 2023. The Brandenburger man had used his Karlsruhe girlfriend's refusal to end their relationship as motivation for the premeditated killing.

Despite the court verdicts, the death of this young woman continues to haunt the memories of those in Karlsruhe and Oranienburg, as well as in the wider German community.

