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Iris Spranger (SPD)
Iris Spranger (SPD)

Home Affairs Committee discusses pending cases

Investigations by the Berlin police into employees of the State Security Department at the State Criminal Police Office are to be discussed on Monday (9.00 a.m.) in the Interior Committee of the House of Representatives. Members of parliament from the Left and Green parties are demanding information from Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) and Police Commissioner Barbara Slowik on around 300 cases that have been left unresolved in the department responsible for right-wing crimes. According to the police, it was only when there was a change of management in the department that it became apparent that these cases had not been dealt with at all or had been dealt with inadequately.

According to the police, investigations are now underway into obstruction of justice. The focus is on the former head of the police station and a case officer. According to the police, it must be clarified who is criminally responsible for the files that were left behind. According to a police spokeswoman, most of the cases date back to 2020 and 2021. It is not publicly known which specific crimes from the right-wing spectrum are involved. It is also not yet clear why the cases have been delayed - whether this was due to overwork or deliberate political motives.

The Internal Security situation in relation to these pending cases in the House of Representatives' Committee will likely be a topic of discussion. The Police commissioner and the Interior Senator are expected to address the delayed investigations into around 300 right-wing crime cases, which were only brought to light following changes in the State Criminal Police Office's management.


