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Holtenau elevated bridges: Seven million euros for repairs

Just over a year after an accident, traffic is once again running on four lanes over the Holtenau elevated bridges. The work on the busy structures in Kiel has been completed. Who pays the costs in the end?

A worker carries out welding work on a bridge at a construction site.
A worker carries out welding work on a bridge at a construction site.

Traffic - Holtenau elevated bridges: Seven million euros for repairs

The costs for the renovation of the two Holtenau elevated bridges over the Kiel Canal have turned out to be higher than previously known. "As things stand at the moment, the repairs have cost around seven million euros," said State Secretary for Transport Tobias von der Heide (CDU) on Friday. In addition, there were expenses for traffic safety and the loan of speed cameras and weight control equipment. It remains to be seen who will ultimately pay for the damage.

Since Friday, traffic has been flowing again on four lanes over the busy bridges. According to von der Heide, they are used by around 40,000 commuters every working day. "The time of restrictions is finally over. We have completely repaired the damage," he said.

A crane being transported on a Finnish freighter collided with both elevated bridges in Kiel-Holtenau on November 30, 2022. The federal government will initially bear the costs. They will later be claimed from the party responsible. The results of the investigation into the question of fault are still pending.

Christoph Köster, head of maintenance at the State Road Construction and Transport Authority, described the schedule for the work on the 40-metre-high bridges as ambitious. "There is no emergency team available for such major accidents." Among other things, mobile scaffolding had to be custom-built. A heavy autumn storm and snow also made the work more difficult.

Read also:

  1. The repair work on the damaged keel of the crane involved in the accident with the north-east sea canal bridges is expected to be costly and complex due to its size.
  2. The CDU-led government in Schleswig-Holstein is hoping to expedite the construction of a new traffic diversion route around the north-east sea canal, bypassing the damaged bridges, to alleviate traffic congestion during the ongoing repairs.
  3. An accident involving a cargo ship and a tanker near the north-east sea canal caused significant damage to the underwater structure, necessitating further repairs and potential long-term impacts on marine traffic in the region.
  4. The construction of a new rail bridge over the north-east sea canal, parallel to the damaged elevated bridges, has been proposed as a long-term solution to reduce reliance on road traffic and prevent such accidents in the future.




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