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Holetschek urges resignation of coalition government.

The CSU perceives the outcome of the European elections as a blow to the federal government. The parliamentary group leader, Holetschek, demands action.

Klaus Holetschek (CSU), CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, speaks to...
Klaus Holetschek (CSU), CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, speaks to members of the press at the closing press conference of the CSU parliamentary group's winter retreat.

Votes Cast Voting Process - Holetschek urges resignation of coalition government.

With substantial defeats for the Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats in the European election, CSU Landtag fraction head Klaus Holetschek urged the traffic light government to step down. He remarked in Munich on Sunday evening, "The traffic light government is plunging both in Bavaria and Germany into insignificance. This federal administration has served its time; every day it stays in power is an unfortunate day for Germany. This administration must quit immediately."

The outcome also reveals that the CSU is a dependable foundation within the Union. "It's also evident: The Free Voters' trees don't soar to new heights anywhere in Germany if they've ended up being the tiniest party Volt," Holetschek added. He cautioned, "A significant worry remains the AfD, which is now the strongest group in the east."

State election leader's update on European election results page on voting day.

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