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Hoffmeister-Kraut: Federal government fails to provide answers

For weeks, the leaders of the traffic light coalition in Berlin have been arguing about the new version of the 2024 budget. Now it's done and the criticism is strong - including from the South West Minister for Economic Affairs.

Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU), Minister of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg, at
Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU), Minister of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg, at an appointment.

Household - Hoffmeister-Kraut: Federal government fails to provide answers

Economics Minister Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU) is missing a stimulus for the economy following the agreement reached by the traffic light coalition in the budget dispute. "The federal government still does not have an answer as to how it intends to boost the economy as a whole," Hoffmeister-Kraut told the German Press Agency on Thursday. However, a fundamental change of course is necessary.

The issue of competitiveness must be brought into focus. Better framework conditions are needed for investment and innovation, especially in Germany and Baden-Württemberg. The only consolation is that the Growth Opportunities Act has not been squelched any further. "The law is the right signal, but in its current form it is no more than a drop in the ocean," she said.

She continued: "The fact is that the economic engine in Germany is sputtering badly. In terms of economic growth, Germany is bringing up the rear among comparable countries this year and is likely to do so again next year. The causes are manifold. But there are some home-made factors. "These include high energy costs, which will increase once again as a result of the agreement reached in the dispute over the 2024 federal budget and the increase in the CO2 tax," she said.

Hoffmeister-Kraut also cited the high tax and duty burden and bureaucracy as further reasons. "The fact that the EU is now adopting a supply chain directive at this very time, which imposes further restrictions on companies, is a completely wrong signal."

The crisis is mainly manifesting itself in industry, i.e. in the core area of the export-oriented south-west economy. "We are seeing almost daily that large companies based in the automotive sector want to cut jobs," she said. Especially against the backdrop of the end of the combustion engine, this transformation must be accompanied in the best possible way. "Billions in funding for individual projects - especially in the east of the country - are not enough."

Following the historic budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, the coalition government agreed on Wednesday how it intends to close the billion-euro gap in the 2024 federal budget. Savings and cuts are planned, which will also affect consumers in terms of electricity, gas and petrol prices. Savings are to be made primarily by abolishing climate-damaging subsidies, making cuts to the budgets of individual departments and reducing federal subsidies.

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