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Hochbahn mourns employee after accident at Jungfernstieg

The car accident on Jungfernstieg has caused great consternation among the employees of Hamburger Hochbahn. The fatally injured man was a colleague. Now they want to set an example.

The black crashed car had more than 600 hp.
The black crashed car had more than 600 hp.

Hit by a car - Hochbahn mourns employee after accident at Jungfernstieg

After the fatal accident at Jungfernstieg, Hamburg's Hochbahn is mourning the loss of one of their employees. "It's incomprehensibly tragic how suddenly a person was torn from our lives and from our midst," explained Personnel Manager Saskia Heidenberger of the city's enterprise.

The Hochbahn employees plan to observe a moment of silence for the deceased colleague on Thursday at 11:00 am. Buses and U-Bahns will remain at the stops for this purpose.

The 39-year-old man was fatally injured in the accident on Tuesday morning. Two other men, aged 23 and 29, were seriously injured. A witness suffered a shock and was taken to the hospital. The drivers of the cars involved, a car with 612 PS, were lightly injured.

Unclear cause of accident

According to police reports, the driver of the car drove onto the sidewalk for still undetermined reasons. He first hit several chairs on the outdoor terrace of a restaurant, then collided with a parked transporter and came to a stop with a crushed front at the entrance of the branch.

The force of the impact caused the transporter to move forward and hit the 39-year-old man, who was first transported to the hospital for revival attempts. He later succumbed to his injuries, according to the police.

Investigations against driver

The police are investigating the 18-year-old driver of the accident car. Whether a charge will also be brought against the 52-year-old passenger is still being determined, the police announced. What exactly the investigators are accusing the driver of is still unclear.

Further questions that the police could not answer due to ongoing investigations include whether the young driver had a valid driver's license, was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or had a medical emergency.

  1. The accident occurring at Jungfernstieg involved a car, which unfortunately led to the fatal injury of an employee of the Hochbahn's elevated railroad system.
  2. The police are currently investigating the cause of the accident, specifically focusing on the 18-year-old driver of the car that collided with an elevated railroad and several other objects.
  3. On the busy road of Jungfernstieg, where traffic is usually heavy with cars and U-Bahns, this unfortunate incident has reminded everyone of the importance of safety and caution on the roads.
  4. Following the accident, men from the Hochbahn and police department were seen near the elevated railroad, trying to understand and manage the aftermath of this tragic event.

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