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Historical Museum shows photographs by Klemm

Barbara Klemm has lived in Frankfurt for decades and is one of Germany's greatest photo reporters. An exhibition is now presenting her views of the city for the first time.

Trade visitors take a tour of the exhibition area during a preview
Trade visitors take a tour of the exhibition area during a preview

Historical Museum shows photographs by Klemm

Theodor Adorno and Mick Jagger are included, as are the protests against Runway West at the airport and everyday street scenes: From Thursday, the Historisches Museum Frankfurt is dedicating the comprehensive exhibition "Frankfurt Images" to photographer Barbara Klemm. There have been more than 30 individual exhibitions on Klemm to date, but this show is the first to focus on Frankfurt as a city, said curator Jan Gerchow on Tuesday.

The exhibition comprises 230 photographs, all in black and white. For visitors, it is an impressive journey through time: It starts with pictures of the student movement with Adorno or the later Green Party Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. This is followed by footage of demonstrations - for example against Runway West or the ban on abortion.

It was wild back then, said Klemm during a tour of the exhibition. The student movement politicized her and she also met her husband back then, the now 83-year-old recalls. When she walks through the exhibition, "it's simply our life together".

Klemm, who grew up in Karlsruhe, came to Frankfurt in 1959 - when she was 20 years old - and has lived in the city ever since. From 1970 to 2005, she photographed for the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", in Germany and all over the world. "Only a few assignments concerned Frankfurt events, such as the regular book fairs," explained Gerchow. "Nevertheless, she became a photographic observer of her city for over 60 years."

The exhibition also shows photographs of Italian and Turkish guest workers from the 60s and 70s, street scenes, whether on the Römerberg or at a water house in Gallus. But there are also photographs of shop windows, parks and celebrities such as Susan Sontag, Mick Jagger and Janis Joplin, who were in the city for the book fair or concerts.

And there is also a photograph from the 1969 NPD federal election campaign that made Klemm famous: according to the museum, the picture of the cowardly, helmeted NPD organizers in front of the Cantate Hall was first printed in the local section of the FAZ, before later appearing in "Spiegel", "Paris Match" and "Observer".

"Frankfurt Images" runs from November 9, 2023 to April 1, 2024.

Visitors to the "Frankfurt Images" exhibition at the Historisches Museum Frankfurt will not only see photographs of political events but also numerous exhibits showcasing everyday street scenes. Barbara Klemm's comprehensive exhibit includes various photography series that capture the city's evolution over six decades, including exhibits focusing on Frankfurt's diverse immigrant communities in the 60s and 70s.

Barbara Klemm's exhibition, titled "Frankfurt Images," presents a rich collection of photographic exhibit series, delving into the city's history and social dynamics, from the student movement to the diverse immigrant communities in the 60s and 70s.


