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Highest Number of Naturalizations in NRW in Over Two Decades

In North Rhine-Westphalia, a large number of people have been naturalized recently, with one particular nation dominating the statistics.

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Movement from one location to another, typically involving people or animals. - Highest Number of Naturalizations in NRW in Over Two Decades

Last year in North Rhine-Westphalia, 51,187 people gained German citizenship through naturalization, marking a 25.4% increase from the previous year (2022: 40,824). This accomplishment was reported by the Düsseldorf Statistical Office on Tuesday. The number of naturalizations in 2023 reached a record high not seen since 2001, when there were 60,566.

The majority of these newly naturalized Germans come from Syria. Many Syrian asylum seekers who arrived between 2014 and 2016 met the necessary criteria for naturalization, as stated by the Office. In 2023, 22,720 Syrians were naturalized in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is a significant jump from the previous year (14,081). The share of these individuals with previous Syrian citizenship among all the naturalized people in 2023 is 44.4%.

The second most common naturalization process involved individuals with previous Iraqi citizenship (4,012), and the third most common involved naturalizations of Turkish women and men (3,452).

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In North Rhine-Westphalia, individuals from various nationalities, including Syrians and Iraqis, undergo the process of naturalization. The city of Düsseldorf, located in NRW, has witnessed a significant increase in naturalization rates, with the highest number recorded in over two decades. Many of these new German citizens hail from Syria, and in 2023, 22,720 Syrians were granted citizenship in NRW, representing a substantial rise from the previous year.




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