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Higher rates of medication dispensed to working individuals nowadays.

Employees in Germany received more prescriptions for medication in 2023 than any other year, with cardiovascular drugs leading the way, as per a study by Techniker Krankenkasse.

Various tablets and capsules lie on a table.
Various tablets and capsules lie on a table.

Medical coverage - Higher rates of medication dispensed to working individuals nowadays.

According to a survey by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), German workers have had more medication prescriptions in the past year than ever before. The average number of daily doses for each TK-insured employee reached 275 this year, a 2.5% increase from the 269 daily doses recorded in the previous year, and a 37% rise from the initial assessment in 2000 with 201 daily doses.

A daily dose refers to the typical amount of a medicine given for a specific ailment per day.

The highest number of prescriptions were issued to workers in Saxony-Anhalt and Saarland, with 320 and 313 daily doses respectively. Conversely, the fewest were received by employees in Bavaria (248 daily doses) and Baden-Württemberg (244 daily doses).

The most commonly prescribed drugs were cardiovascular medications like blood pressure regulators, averaging 105 daily doses per worker. Coming in second was medicine for heartburn and digestive issues at 37 doses and, third, drugs for the nervous system such as antidepressants, which were prescribed at a rate of 29 daily doses.

The TK, Germany's largest health insurer, with over 11 million clients, based their findings on the disability certificates of the approximately 5.7 million insured employees under them. This encompassed not just individuals covered by social insurance, but also those receiving unemployment benefit I.

Read also:

  1. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TKK) in Hamburg, one of Germany's leading health insurance providers, released a report indicating an increase in medication prescriptions among their clients.
  2. Since 2000, the TKK has seen a significant rise in the average daily box of medicine for its employees, reaching 275 doses this year, up from 201 doses initially.
  3. The report revealed that the highest number of daily medicine prescriptions were given in Saxony-Anhalt and Saarland, while the fewest were given in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
  4. The findings also highlighted that cardiovascular medications, such as blood pressure regulators, were the most commonly prescribed drugs, followed by heartburn and digestive issue medications and antidepressants for the nervous system.

