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High water levels on the Rhine River - "No critical thresholds exceeded"

Pedestrian and cyclist routes along the Rhine banks in Cologne are presently closed. However, in the northern Rhine-Westphalia region, high water levels are anticipated to reach only mark one, allowing for uninterrupted vessel navigation.

A cargo ship crosses the Rhine near Biebesheim in southern Hesse.
A cargo ship crosses the Rhine near Biebesheim in southern Hesse.

Local governments - High water levels on the Rhine River - "No critical thresholds exceeded"

Along the Rhine River in North Rhine-Westphalia, water levels are anticipated to rise until Wednesday. The water level in Cologne is projected to hit the first high water mark around midnight on Tuesday, as per the Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSA) in Duisburg-Rhine. There won't be any critical values for the Lower Rhine, a spokesperson for the WSA stated. Cologne may be the only area in North Rhine-Westphalia where the first high water mark of 6.20 meters is surpassed. This means that ships will have to slow their speed in the middle of the river.

The peak wave of the Rhine is expected to occur on Wednesday near Bonn and Cologne. Meanwhile, the highest water level in the Duisburg region is predicted to take place on Thursday. The city of Cologne predicts that the highest water level is likely to be less than 7.20 meters of the Cologne gauge.

Cologne's sewage treatment plants are adopting their standard flood prevention methods. A lock in the Rodenkirchen district will be constructed on Monday. Moreover, walkways and bike paths near the Rhine have already been shut. Sluices have been closed to prevent the Rhine water from entering the sewage system. A spokesperson for the sewage treatment plants affirmed that the current situation doesn't resemble the scenario in Bavaria.

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