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High vet costs are increasingly causing problems

More and more pet owners are having problems financing medical treatment. Various associations that offer support in emergency situations are reporting an increasing number of inquiries. Such as the Soziale Tier-Not-Hilfe Frankfurt, which offers a large veterinary consultation at the Hauptwache...

A vet from the "Tier-Not-Hilfe" association examines the 17-year-old mixed-breed dog Trixi.
A vet from the "Tier-Not-Hilfe" association examines the 17-year-old mixed-breed dog Trixi.

Social affairs - High vet costs are increasingly causing problems

More and more pet owners are having problems financing medical treatment. Various associations that offer support in emergency situations are reporting an increasing number of inquiries. Such as the Soziale Tier-Not-Hilfe Frankfurt, which offers a large veterinary consultation at the Hauptwache once a month. There are requests from all over Germany from people who need help for their animals, says association chairwoman Simone Glaser.

Unfortunately, the association cannot help in these cases. It only addresses Frankfurt citizens who can prove that they need financial support, for example because they are homeless or only have a small pension.

"We've had more inquiries since corona, when many people bought animals and then had problems meeting the treatment costs," says Glaser. Donations are urgently needed. However, the willingness to do so has declined in view of generally rising costs. "At the same time, we also have higher expenses and the costs for veterinary treatment have risen."

The "Wau-Mau-Insel" animal shelter in Kassel also reports receiving requests from across the region. However, they cannot help in these cases, says manager Karsten Plücker. He calls on people to be aware of the potential costs when acquiring an animal.

"You have to be clear about what responsibility you are taking on and whether you can pay for everything," says Sigrid Faust-Schmidt from the State Animal Welfare Association. There have been an increasing number of inquiries from pet owners across the country who need help with medical costs. The costs had also risen significantly due to a new fee schedule a year ago. As a result, many people are now waiting longer before taking their pet to the doctor, says Faust-Schmidt. Or before they take their animal to the animal shelter - more medically underserved animals are now arriving there.

Animal emergency aid Wau-Mau Island

Read also:

  1. Despite the increased number of requests for help from pet owners across Germany, the Social Tier-Not-Hilfe Frankfurt in Frankfurt on the Main can only assist Frankfurt residents who are facing financial difficulties, such as being homeless or having a small pension, due to the rising costs of veterinary treatment.
  2. The situation in Hesse is not unique, as the "Wau-Mau-Insel" animal shelter in Kassel has also reported an influx of requests for assistance from pet owners in the region who are struggling to cover the escalating veterinary expenses.
  3. As a result of the high veterinary costs and the new fee schedule, many animal owners in Germany are delaying taking their pets to the veterinarian or animal shelter, leading to a higher number of medically underserved animals arriving at shelters.


