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High risk of forest fires in the north - fire extinguished in Havelland

Several thousand square meters of forest floor have burned in Havelland. Drought is causing a high risk of forest fires throughout northern Brandenburg. But there are prospects for relief.

Firefighters extinguish a forest fire in the municipality of Milower Land.
Firefighters extinguish a forest fire in the municipality of Milower Land.

Environment - High risk of forest fires in the north - fire extinguished in Havelland

Approximately 3000 to 4000 square meters of forest soil burned in the Milower Land commune (Havelland district). Firefighting teams extinguished the fire on Wednesday evening at around 18.15, according to a spokesperson from the Northwest Regional Control Center. Witnesses reported strong smoke development between the Federal Highway 88 and the village of Schmetzdorf to the Police Directorate West. The police took statements regarding an arson report.

On Wednesday, high forest fire danger prevailed in northern Brandenburg. However, weather forecasts indicate rain for the coming days, which should ease the situation, as evidenced by data from the German Weather Service.

On Wednesday, Stages 4 and 5 of 5 (high forest fire danger) were in effect in the Landkreises Prignitz, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Oberhavel, Uckermark, and Havelland, according to an overview from the Brandenburg Environmental Ministry. The rest of the state was assessed with the medium risk level. Data from the weather service predicts a decreasing risk: Already on Friday, forest fire danger in almost all of Brandenburg is expected to be very low.

Brandenburg, with little rain, extensive pine forests, and light sandy soils, is the federal state with the highest forest fire risk. Approximately 84 forest fires have been recorded so far in the year 2024, with around 13 hectares of damaged area. The authorities recorded 166 fires with around 735 hectares of destroyed area by the end of June last year.

Forest Fire Danger Forest Fire Danger DWD

  1. To mitigate the risk of forest fires in the District of Havelland, the operational force of the fire department conducts regular drills and educates the local community about fire safety measures in forests and agricultural lands.
  2. The Environment Ministry of Brandenburg advises farmers in Havelland to be vigilant during dry spells, as the danger of forest fires is particularly high in agricultural areas adjacent to forests due to the dryness of the forest floor.
  3. Emergency response units have been stationed in key locations within the District of Havelland to swiftly address any forest fires or other emergencies that may arise, especially during high forest fire danger periods.
  4. In an effort to reduce the risk of forest fires in Havelland, the local forestry department has implemented a controlled burn program, which involves setting controlled fires to burn off underbrush and dry vegetation, thereby preventing larger wildfires.
  5. In the event of a forest fire in the Havelland district, the fire department collaborates with the regional agricultural authorities and forestry services to protect crops, livestock, and forest resources, ensuring the sustainable management of the environment in the District of Havelland.
  6. The District of Havelland, located in the northwestern part of Brandenburg, is not only home to lush pastures and extensively cultivated farmlands but also boasts extensive forests and nature reserves, making it an important haven for wildlife and contributing significantly to Brandenburg's biodiversity.
  7. Despite the high forest fire risk in Brandenburg, the authorities and the operational force of the fire department remain committed to preserving the natural beauty of Havelland's forests and ensuring the safety of its residents, as the consequences of forest fires can be devastating for both nature and the community at large.

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