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Hesse Floods: Easing Conditions Persist

Although water levels are decreasing in most areas, the Rhine and Neckar rivers will remain above their reporting thresholds in the coming days.

A sign warns of the flood.
A sign warns of the flood.

The current meteorological conditions - Hesse Floods: Easing Conditions Persist

The flood scenario in Hesse is improving gradually. The hydrological conditions along the Neckar and Rhine in Hessen are expected to witness a decrease in water levels according to the Hessian State Office for Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG). It's important to note that these levels will remain within the Hessian warning levels for the next few days.

Water levels in the Neckar have dropped below warning level 2 at the Rockenau gauge overnight. Further weakening of warning level 1 is expected by Thursday morning. In contrast, the Rhine regions in Hessen show levels above warning level 2 at the gauges in Worms, Mainz, and Kaub. Worms is anticipated to experience a fall below this warning level on Thursday, while it's forecasted for Friday in the downstream part of the Rhine.

Water levels at the Hessian Main Section are predicted to stay slightly elevated for some time. The announcement indicates that no warning level exceedances are expected in the coming days.

The Rhine ferry at Ingelheim has been out of service due to the flood since Tuesday, and it's expected to stay offline until Thursday. The operator's website made this announcement. The ferry typically runs between Rhineland-Palatinate Ingelheim (Mainz-Bingen district) and Hessian Oestrich-Winkel (Rheingau-Taunus district).

The German Weather Service's update revealed that the rainy spell has come to an end, and we can leave our umbrellas at home starting Thursday.

Rheinfähre Ingelheim websiteHigh water levelHLNUG

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