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Herrmann: High investments for disaster control

In view of the floods and increasing extreme weather events, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has pledged to continue investing heavily in civil protection. "In recent years, we have invested heavily in equipping the disaster control authorities and emergency organizations, with a total...

Minister of the Interior - Herrmann: High investments for disaster control

In view of the floods and increasing extreme weather events, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has pledged to continue investing heavily in civil protection. "In recent years, we have invested heavily in equipping the disaster control authorities and emergency organizations, with a total of 88 million euros invested since 2019. We will continue these investments at a high level," the minister told the Mediengruppe Bayern (Passauer Neue Presse, Mittelbayerische Zeitung, Donaukurier) on Thursday.

The Free State is already well equipped with 450,000 emergency personnel in the fire departments, voluntary aid organizations and the technical relief organization as well as the"Katastrophenschutz Bayern 2025" concept.

Despite the difficult conditions, a total of 47 million euros is to be made available in the 2024/25 double budget for the procurement of resources and vehicles alone. A further increase for the coming years will have to be discussed.

When it comes to civil defense, the federal government is called upon to act. "The Federal Ministry of the Interior has still not recognized the signs of the times," said Herrmann. He pointed out that the federal states are responsible for civil protection in times of peace, whereas the federal government is responsible for civil protection in the event of a state of tension or defense. "The establishment of the announced mobile care reserves concerns civil protection, it is effectively on hold at the federal level," criticized the CSU politician. So far, only one pilot project has been set up in Berlin.

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