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Hermann wants to sign contract for Hochrheinbahn

Over two thirds of the rail lines in the southwest are already electrified. Now the Hochrheinbahn is to receive an overhead line to supply it with electricity.

Winfried Hermann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister of Transport of Baden-Württemberg at a
Winfried Hermann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister of Transport of Baden-Württemberg at a press conference.

Traffic - Hermann wants to sign contract for Hochrheinbahn

State Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) plans to sign the contract for the expansion of the Hochrheinbahn in Laufenburg, Baden, on Monday (10.00 a.m.). An approximately 75-kilometre section between Basel and Erzingen is to be electrified by 2027. Representatives of Deutsche Bahn and regional authorities are also expected to attend the signing ceremony in Laufenburg (Waldshut district).

According to the plans, an overhead line for the power supply will be installed between Badischer Bahnhof in Basel and Erzingen (Waldshut district). Two kilometers of the line run on Swiss territory. Switzerland is also participating in the project financing, as Deutsche Bahn announced in advance.

Around 71 percent of the railway lines in the southwest are already electrified, as the Ministry of Transport reports on its website. However, there is still room for more lines. "This can also reduce the use of environmentally harmful diesel trains," is the ministry's line.

Further information on the Ministry of Transport's project to electrify railroad lines

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