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Here, collecting mussels is not permitted

Forbidden vacation souvenir

In Germany, France, Greece, Croatia, Portugal and Spain, it is generally permitted to collect...
In Germany, France, Greece, Croatia, Portugal and Spain, it is generally permitted to collect mussels.

Here, collecting mussels is not permitted

Mussels in various Sizes and Shapes are popular Souvenirs for Holidays. But be careful: Not everywhere can you simply take them from the beach. Penalties, including fines, may result from violations.

Collecting mussels at the beach vacation is particularly popular among children. Many beaches invite you to stroll along the shore and discover the various mussel species. However, recreational activities meet shellfish protection: Mussels are not allowed to be collected and taken home in some places.

Who takes precious mussels home risks problems with the authorities during the return journey. The supposed vacation souvenir can significantly affect the marine ecosystem. Which mussels can be taken home as a souvenir and which should be left behind?

In which countries is it allowed to collect Mussels

In Germany, France, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, and Spain, it is generally allowed to collect mussels. Mussels like flat mussels, flat clams, or Baltic flat mussels are basically not protected and can be taken as souvenirs. However, caution is advised: One should not pack more than three shells of cockle shells and three large mussels.

Only at specific locations should mussels also be left in these countries. This is usually indicated by specific markings.

Where it is not allowed to collect Mussels

In general, collecting starfish, corals, or sea urchins should be completely avoided. Most species are strictly protected. The fingers should also be kept away from all living beings and dead remains of animals. Snail shells should also be left behind, as they are an important habitat for hermit crabs.

Collecting mussels is strictly forbidden in Egypt, the Dominican Republic, Dubai, Italy, and Mexico, as well as in New Zealand, Thailand, Turkey, the USA, and Cyprus. Removing mussels from these places means an intervention in a protected ecosystem and may result in high fines. Detailed information on the bans in the respective travel countries can be found on the websites of the Foreign Office.

Sand taking is also forbidden in some regions

In some regions, it is even forbidden to take sand from the beach as a souvenir. This applies, for example, to Sardinia, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, and the Philippines. Sand taking is also punishable on the North Sea island of Sylt. The reason: The beaches naturally shrink, and some places count every grain of sand.

During your guide to custom duties upon returning from vacation, legal questions might arise if you've brought home mussels as souvenirs from countries where collection is forbidden, such as Italy or the Dominican Republic. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in penalties imposed by the Customs Criminal Office. To avoid any misunderstandings or fines, it's essential to research the specific laws regarding collecting mussels and souvenir taking in the respective countries, including those with stringent marine protection regulations like Egypt and Turkey.

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