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Hemp place name sign disappeared - now "closed location"

A sign reading "closed village" currently greets visitors to the district of Hanf in Hennef in the Rhein-Sieg district. The unusual name of the village repeatedly attracts sign thieves.

The village sign for Hanf has disappeared - now a replacement sign indicates a "closed village".
The village sign for Hanf has disappeared - now a replacement sign indicates a "closed village".

Curiosities - Hemp place name sign disappeared - now "closed location"

The Hanf district in Hennef, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, is temporarily nameless: At the access road, an official sign currently stands with the inscription "closed settlement - replacement sign". The reason: The coveted Hanf sign is again stolen.

Since a new sign couldn't be obtained immediately, a temporary replacement sign has been installed, according to a spokesperson for Straßen.NRW. "This is important to indicate that this is a closed settlement where a speed limit of 50 km/h applies." A new Hanf sign should definitely be installed - but it's unclear how long that will take. Previously, the Bonn "General-Anzeiger" reported on this.

The Hanf signs have been stolen frequently in the past. "This unfortunately happens regularly," said a spokeswoman for the city of Hennef, to which the district belongs. "Sometimes a flex is used." The damage is significant: A sign costs more than 100 Euros, plus labor hours. To make it harder for thieves, the metal signs are now welded to their frames.

  1. The Hanf district, located in the Municipality of Hennef within the Rhine-Sieg district of North Rhine-Westphalia, has been temporarily renamed due to the theft of its distinctive sign.
  2. Despite the temporary replacement sign on the access road, traffic in the area continues to be colorful, with vehicles adhering to the 50 km/h speed limit.
  3. Regrettably, crime in Hennef's Municipalities is not uncommon, with thieves frequently targeting the Hanf signs, resulting in substantial financial losses.
  4. The Municipalities in the Rhine-Sieg district are taking measures to deter thieves, such as welding the Hanf signs to their frames, to minimize the frequent vandalism and expense.

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