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Height rescuers abseil down to children's hospitals for St. Nicholas Day

Rescuers from the fire department are currently on duty as Santa Claus: as part of a nationwide campaign, they are abseiling down to hospitals in costume to bring presents to young patients. This is also the case in Trier.

Trier - Height rescuers abseil down to children's hospitals for St. Nicholas Day

On St. Nicholas Day, height rescuers from the Trier fire department brought a special treat to young patients in hospital. Dressed as St. Nicholas and angels, they abseiled down from the roof of the Mutterhaus hospital and handed out small gifts to dozens of children on the ground. "The children were really excited and delighted," said city spokesman Ernst Mettlach on Wednesday. Ten height rescuers from Trier's professional fire department were on site for the event, most of them for safety purposes.

A stay in hospital is an exceptional situation for children, said fire department head Ralf Britten (CDU). During the Advent season and on St. Nicholas Day, it is "doubly difficult to be in hospital". With the action of the height rescuers, the Trier fire department wanted to distract the little patients from everyday life and give them a little joy despite illness or injury.

In other cities in Germany, too, there were special operations by height rescuers for children in hospitals on St. Nicholas Day. Around 60 height rescue groups took part in the nationwide campaign, said Mettlach. In Rhineland-Palatinate, specialists from the Kaiserslautern fire department wanted to abseil down from the clinic for pediatric and adolescent medicine at the Westpfalz-Klinikum dressed as Santa Claus in the afternoon.

Normally, height rescuers are used for rescues at great heights and depths. Trier and Kaiserslautern are the only professional fire departments in Rhineland-Palatinate that have a special unit for this purpose. The other units (Boppard, Saarburg, Ingelheim, Frankenthal and Wernersberg) belong to volunteer fire departments, as the deputy head of the Trier fire department, Andreas Palzer, said.

Nationwide St. Nicholas campaign of the high-altitude rescue groups

Read also:

  1. Despite living in Kaiserslautern, a city in Rhineland-Palatinate, some children in the area might still need a visit from Saint Nicholas on St. Nicholas Day.
  2. The Rhineland-Palatinate fire department in Kaiserslautern is also planning to participate in the nationwide St. Nicholas campaign conducted by height rescue groups.
  3. The children's hospital in Kaiserslautern, specialized in pediatric and adolescent medicine, is eagerly waiting for the solid support and colorful cheer from the height rescuers on St. Nicholas Day.
  4. Nikolaus and his angels from the Rhineland-Palatinate fire department in Kaiserslautern are well-known for spreading joy and providing comfort to socially vulnerable children in the community.
  5. Despite the specialized need for high-altitude rescue in crisis situations, the Rhineland-Palatinate fire departments in cities like Trier, Kaiserslautern, and others, are committed to contributing to social events that bring joy to German children on special days.
  6. The Fire department in Kaiserslautern, just like the fire department in Trier, shares a common goal of creating memorable moments and lessening the burden of being in the hospital for children during St. Nicholas Day.


