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Hedgehogs in Thuringia on the endangered list

The prickly fellow has made it onto the winner's podium: the hedgehog is Animal of the Year 2024. The mammal is still well represented in Thuringia, but things could look different in the future.

A young brown-breasted hedgehog sits among leaves on a sidewalk in front of a bush.
A young brown-breasted hedgehog sits among leaves on a sidewalk in front of a bush.

Animal of the year - Hedgehogs in Thuringia on the endangered list

While most of its representatives in Germany are hibernating, the hedgehog has been given an honor: It has been voted Animal of the Year 2024. According to the Ministry of the Environment, it is not possible to say how large the population of the brown-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), which is widespread throughout Germany, is in Thuringia. However, the species has been on the early warning list for endangered species in Thuringia since 2021.

This list includes species that have declined in population but are not yet endangered. "However, if negative influences on the population persist in the near future, classification in the "endangered" category is then possible", the ministry said. The hedgehogs would then slip onto the Red List.

The ministry cited the loss of habitats in urban and rural areas and the danger to hedgehogs from road traffic as the main reasons for the decline in the population.

Donors to the German Wildlife Foundation have chosen the hedgehog as Animal of the Year 2024, the foundation announced on Monday. The squirrel and the red fox were also up for election.

Due to the loss of natural habitats, the hedgehog is moving into gardens and green spaces in residential areas, according to the foundation. It is estimated that there are now up to nine times as many hedgehogs there as in the countryside. Gravel gardens, sealed surfaces, cars and robotic mowers are making life difficult for hedgehogs here too, however.

Announcement Animal of the Year 2024 Hedgehog profile

Read also:

  1. The decline in hedgehog population in Thuringia has led to its inclusion on the early warning list for endangered species by the Thuringian Ministry of Nature Conservation and Energy.
  2. The German Wildlife Foundation, receiving donations, has recognized the hedgehog's plight and selected it as Animal of the Year 2024, aiming to support nature conservation efforts for this particular animal.
  3. Thebmü, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany, has recognized the importance of science in understanding and addressing issues affecting animal populations such as the declining hedgehog population.
  4. In an effort to secure a safer future for hedgehogs in Germany, the integration of science into policy decisions and national conservation strategies is crucial, with particular attention paid to issues like habitat loss and road traffic danger.
  5. By raising awareness about the situation of animals like the hedgehog and the need for nature conservation, organizations such as the German Wildlife Foundation and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety encourage the public to actively participate in protecting and preserving Germany's diverse animal population, including both common species like the hedgehog and more endangered ones.


