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Heckling Criticized: Bozkurt Resigns from the Executive Committee

Green Party MP Tuba Bozkurt faces criticism for a thoughtless comment. Her party is also against her. As a result, she is dealing with the repercussions.

Tuba Bozkurt (Alliance 90/The Greens) speaks at the plenary session of the Berlin House of...
Tuba Bozkurt (Alliance 90/The Greens) speaks at the plenary session of the Berlin House of Representatives.

Eco-friendly Legislator makes headlines - Heckling Criticized: Bozkurt Resigns from the Executive Committee

The Green Party representative Tuba Bozkurt has relinquished her position in the parliamentary leadership following severe backlash from an insensitive comment made during a meeting at the state parliament. The Green Party fraction made the announcement on Tuesday. Bozkurt had previously addressed the issue during an in-house gathering. The fraction leaders, Bettina Jarasch and Werner Graf, commented, "It was a serious, honest, and self-examining conversation. Consensus reached: This would never occur again."

"Mannheim is no more?"

Bozkurt had previously apologized for her remark during a speech by Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) back on Thursday. Spranger was talking about the deceased police officer Rouven Laur, who was gravely injured by a knife-wielding assailant at an anti-Islam protest and lost his life in the hospital. The SPD official began, "Of course, the heartbreaking death of Mannheim..." Then came the comment "Mannheim is no more?" with laughter. Spranger objected, "I wouldn't laugh about that."

The Green Party fraction decided that Bozkurt's comment and the laughter in response were unacceptable. "The fraction regrets and denounces this conduct. We firmly support the police officers, who put their lives on the line for our safety every day."

Bozkurt reiterated her apologies within the fraction. "She reiterated how much she regretted her remark. The fraction's genuine apology was acknowledged by Bozkurt. Additionally, she informed the faction and the parliament president that she would no longer hold a position in the leadership due to her unpresidential conduct. The fraction approved."

By failing to meet the requirements for serious discussion, the parliament became a place where differing opinions clash - but in a manner that shows earnestness and respect. "We fell short of this." Also, Bozkurt received multiple death threats following the event in the assembly hall. The state criminal police have been notified.

Comments from the Green Party chairman Omnid Nouripur

Comments from the Green Party fraction

Comments from the Green Party MP Tuba Bozkurt

Report in the "Tagesspiegel"

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