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Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms anticipated in Lower Saxony.

Intense rainfall and thunderstorms are anticipated in Lower Saxony on Thursday and Friday. The weather is expected to calm down by the weekend.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm over Hanover.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm over Hanover.

The current atmospheric conditions are being described herein. - Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms anticipated in Lower Saxony.

Thunderstorms and heavy rain are passing through Lower Saxony and Bremen once more. The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts that from Thursday afternoon, folks can expect heavy rain, hail, and strong winds of up to 74kmph. The rain front will crawl across Lower Saxony all day long, leading to continuous heavy showers until Friday night. On Thursday, the temperature is predicted to reach a high of 21°C.

For Friday, the DWD anticipates more showers and thunderstorms with varying cloud cover. On Friday, the temperature is expected to settle around 20°C, while winds will be moderate to light. By the end of the weekend, the weather is expected to be drier. Yes, there might still be sporadic showers and thunderstorms, but they'll be less and less frequent.

DWD weather forecast for Lower Saxony/Bremen, 30.05.24

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