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Heating networks for more climate-friendly heating in the north

The district and local heating networks in Schleswig-Holstein are to gradually become climate-neutral: Suppliers in the state's five largest cities are pursuing concrete plans to achieve the goal of climate neutrality and supply more people with their heating networks. In Kiel, Lübeck,...

The Kiel coastal power plant in operation.
The Kiel coastal power plant in operation.

Energy supply - Heating networks for more climate-friendly heating in the north

The district and local heating networks in Schleswig-Holstein are to gradually become climate-neutral: Suppliers in the state's five largest cities are pursuing concrete plans to achieve the goal of climate neutrality and supply more people with their heating networks. In Kiel, Lübeck, Flensburg, Norderstedt and Neumünster, large heat pumps play an important role, which are to be powered primarily by solar and wind power. According to the municipal utilities, investments worth millions are planned for this in the coming years.

Read also:

  1. The transition towards climate-neutral energy supply is also being pursued in smaller municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein, such as in Lübeck and Neumünster.
  2. The energy supply in Norderstedt and Flensburg is also planning to increase their use of renewable sources, similar to their larger counterparts in Schleswig-Holstein.
  3. Several municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein, including Norderstedt and Neumünster, are looking to follow the example set by larger cities like Kiel and Lübeck in transitioning to greener energy sources.
  4. Despite being located in different parts of Schleswig-Holstein, municipalities like Norderstedt and Flensburg share the ambition of Lübeck and other larger cities to shift towards more sustainable energy supplies.


