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Heat and thunderstorms with heavy rain and hail expected

It will be hot and humid in the northern federal states on Thursday. The heat will then turn into thunderstorms and severe weather in the afternoon. Hail, storms and heavy rain are expected.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.

Weather - Heat and thunderstorms with heavy rain and hail expected

After a hot and humid morning, strong thunderstorms are expected in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the afternoon. Local flooding danger with heavy rain up to 60 liters per square meter within fewer hours, gusty winds and hail with sizes up to two centimeters, as the German Weather Service announced in the morning. The thunderstorms are expected to gradually subside towards Friday night.

Due to the influence of low pressure, a strong heat load is expected in the north until Thursday evening, except for the coasts. It will still be predominantly clear and sunny with temperatures of up to 27 to 31 degrees Celsius in the morning until Thursday. After the thunderstorms and showers, it will cool down significantly to 21 to 25 degrees Celsius on Friday, with temperatures up to 27 degrees Celsius in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. According to the forecast, there will still be rain showers and thunderstorms with hail and heavy rain on Friday morning. However, it will gradually improve from the afternoon and mostly pleasant weather is expected on Saturday.


In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, just like in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, the German Weather Service predicts an afternoon of intense thunderstorms, similar to those previously announced. Despite the stormy weather in Schwerin, the DWD forecast indicates a cooler temperature of 21 to 25 degrees Celsius on Friday. The city of Hamburg, located in the northwest of Germany, is also expected to experience these weather conditions.

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