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Heat and thunderstorms in North Rhine-Westphalia

Summer sets in this week with temperatures over 30 degrees. Severe weather is also expected. Astronomy enthusiasts receive good news.

On Monday and Tuesday, there will be strong heat stress in many places.
On Monday and Tuesday, there will be strong heat stress in many places.

- Heat and thunderstorms in North Rhine-Westphalia

After a hot start to the week, it's set to feel even warmer in North Rhine-Westphalia on Tuesday. "Temperatures will reach up to 34°C, similar to Monday, but the much more humid air will make it feel significantly more muggy," said a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD) in Essen to the German Press Agency.

The DWD has already issued a heat warning for NRW today. "Especially in the south and southwest of the country, extreme heat stress is expected. On Tuesday, this will apply to the whole of NRW," said the meteorologist. Even the nights offer little relief, with temperatures not dropping below 20°C in urban areas overnight into Wednesday.

Cooling off in shopping centers or churches

This means a restless time ahead for those with health issues and the elderly, warns the DWD. "In general, it's best to avoid the heat during the afternoon hours and, if possible, move activities to the morning and late evening," said the DWD. Along with drinking plenty of fluids, light but salty food is recommended as the body loses important minerals through sweating.

The weather experts also advise protecting the head from direct sunlight and seeking shaded outdoor spots. "Avoid heated concrete surfaces. A stroll through an air-conditioned shopping center or a visit to a church can provide both exercise and cooling," says the DWD. For your home, ensure there's a draft or at least some airflow and keep the rooms dark.

Thunderstorms approaching

From Tuesday afternoon, caution is advised when ventilating, as it can get quite unpleasant and wet in some places. "In the muggy air, showers and thunderstorms can form locally and can be quite intense," said the DWD meteorologist. "It's hard to predict where they will form, but they can come with heavy downpours and strong gusts of wind."

More rain is expected mid-week as well. "After a brief calm in the night, it could start again with showers and thunderstorms on Wednesday morning, this time more widespread," said the weather expert. Temperatures will then drop slightly, reaching 27 to a maximum of 30°C. "But even then, it will feel muggy and hot due to the humid air," said the meteorologist.

Clear night for shooting stars

Looking up at the sky can be rewarding at tropical temperatures, especially at night from Monday to Tuesday. This is because this time of year sees an increase in shooting stars due to the Perseid meteor shower. "At night, there will be only occasional higher cloud fields, which should not be too dense, so the chances of seeing shooting stars are good," said the meteorologist.

"Under optimal conditions, you might spot a meteor every two to three minutes," explained the Max Planck Society. For the best view, find a place without disturbing light and an unobstructed view of the sky. Also, let your eyes adjust to the darkness for at least 20 minutes before observing. So, for the best shooting star viewing, get out of the city and find a spot without streetlights, cars, or other disturbing light sources.

Despite the approaching 'Hurricane' warnings, the DWD advises seeking shelter indoors during intense showers and thunderstorms. "It's best to avoid outdoor activities during these periods, as heavy downpours and strong gusts of wind can be expected," said the DWD meteorologist.

However, the hurricane is not predicted to make landfall in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the threat of severe weather is mainly centered around localized showers and thunderstorms.

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