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Health insurance contributions: all-clear for many policyholders

The contribution rates of the statutory health insurance funds are set to rise again on average next year. In Bavaria, however, they will remain stable or even fall for many insured persons. Increases are the exception in Bavaria.

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Health - Health insurance contributions: all-clear for many policyholders

Next year, the average contribution rate in statutory health insurance (SHI) is set to rise by 0.1 percentage points to 16.3%. According to an official estimator, this increase is necessary to ensure that the health insurance funds can cover their expenses. In Bavaria, however, many insured persons will not feel any of this or will even benefit from low contribution rates.

By far the largest health insurance fund in Bavaria, the AOK, has announced that the contribution rate will remain stable at 16.18 percent. The final decision will be made by AOK Bayern's administrative board on December 21. The financial situation is also relatively relaxed for nationwide health insurance funds, which have a comparatively large number of members in Bavaria.

The largest nationwide health insurance fund, Techniker Krankenkasse, is keeping its contribution rate stable at 15.8 percent. The number three among the nationwide health insurance funds, DAK Gesundheit, is also not changing its contribution rate, leaving it unchanged at 16.3 percent. The second largest nationwide health insurance fund, Barmer, will decide on its contribution rate for the coming year on December 20.

Some of the smaller health insurance funds, which have many members, especially in Bavaria, are even lowering their contribution rates. At BKK Faber-Castell, which can only be chosen by those insured in Bavaria, the contribution rate will fall by 0.25 percentage points to 15.7 percent. Audi BKK is reducing it by 0.25 percentage points to 15.6 percent.

Among smaller health insurance funds with a focus on Bavaria, there are also some that are keeping their contribution rate stable. Mobil Krankenkasse continues to charge a contribution rate of 16.09 percent of gross wages. BKK mhplus is leaving its contribution rate unchanged at 16.18 percent.

However, there are also health insurance funds with a focus on Bavaria that are becoming more expensive. Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse (SBK) is raising its contribution rate by 0.2 percentage points to 16.3 percent. The SBK is thus exactly at the level that the official estimators consider necessary for statutory health insurance to cover its expenses, the fund emphasizes. IKK Classic, which specializes primarily in the trades, is raising its contribution rate by 0.1 percentage points to 16.3%, which also corresponds to the general average contribution in the statutory health insurance system.

Read also:

  1. Despite the projected increase in contribution rates for statutory health insurance across Germany, many policyholders in Bavaria will experience no change or even a decrease, as noted by major health insurance funds like AOK Bavaria and BKK Faber-Castell.
  2. The announcement by AOK Bavaria, the largest health insurance fund in Bavaria, that it will maintain its contribution rate at 16.18%, indicates a positive financial situation for both regional and nationwide health insurance funds in the region.
  3. In contrast to Bavaria, where some health insurance funds are reducing their contribution rates, others, such as Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse and IKK Classic, are increasing theirs to align with the projected average of 16.3% within the statutory health insurance system.
  4. Bavaria's favorable contribution rates in health insurance are a significant benefit for its residents, as evidenced by stable or decreasing rates provided by some of the most prominent health insurance funds in the region.


