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Head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina warns against AfD

The state elections in September could change Saxony's political landscape. The head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina warns of the dangers of the AfD for the Sorbian minority.

Head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina warns against the AfD and fears consequences for...
Head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina warns against the AfD and fears consequences for the Sorbian minority.

Politics - Head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina warns against AfD

The head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina, Dawid Statnik, fears negative consequences for Sorbs due to the AfD. "If one only reads Maximilian Krah's manifesto once, it becomes clear that society is defined differently there," Statnik stated in an interview with the "Tagesspiegel" (Thursday). In particular, this concerns the question of ethnicity, which is moving strongly in the direction of exclusion. "Anyone who reads Krah's views carefully will find that his views are not compatible with a democratic, open society."

The controversial AfD European parliamentarian Krah had recently announced that he would become actively involved in the Saxon state association's campaign for the Landtag elections. He wanted "to do everything in his power to improve the Landtag election result even better than that of the European elections."

Christian Values as Counterweight

In Sorbian-dominated communities in Upper Lusatia, the AfD received significantly fewer votes than elsewhere in the Saxon communal elections. The Sorbian language is not a "panacea" against the right-wing party, but the Christian values of many Sorbs speak against the party, Statnik said. The 41-year-old therefore warned of specific dangers for the Sorbian minority through AfD policies.

Landtag elections as a measure of the future

Looking towards the upcoming Landtag elections in Saxony in September, Statnik said: "I look at it with great concern, and I am sure that many of our members share this concern." The prognoses for the upcoming Landtag elections showed that right-wing extremism and right-populism were making parliamentary politics unmanageable. "The political landscape is changing," Statnik added further.

All of this leads to the decisive question of whether the states will still be governable in the future. "Independent of any political color, we must have an interest in having an effective, capable government," Statnik said personally. He hoped that the AfD would not come into government responsibility.

Warning against repeating history

"Whoever looks at history knows where it goes. History repeats itself." Statnik reported, according to his own statements, that he was lucky to be able to speak with his grandfather about his experiences during the Nazi era. "It's clear to me: I don't want to experience anything like that."

At the European elections, the AfD had achieved 15.9 percent. According to the latest surveys before the Saxon Landtag elections in September, it was lying at 30 to 32 percent, just ahead of the CDU.

  1. The Daily Mirror reported on Maximilian Krah's involvement in the AfD's state election campaign in Saxony.
  2. The European elections saw the AfD secure 15.9% of the vote, but their support has increased significantly for the upcoming Saxon Landtag elections.
  3. Dawid Statnik, the head of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina, has expressed concerns about the impact of the AfD's policies on municipalities like Leipzig.
  4. Krah's manifesto, which outlines his views and intentions for the state election campaign, has been criticized for its exclusionary stance on ethnicity and incompatibility with democratic society.
  5. Statnik warned that the AfD's views and policies pose specific dangers to the Sorbian minority, whose Christian values often speak against the party.
  6. The outcome of the Landtag elections in Saxony in September will serve as a measure of the future stability and governability of the state, according to Domowina.
  7. Statnik urged against repeating history and warned of the dangerous consequences of right-wing extremism and right-populism in politics, drawing parallels to his grandfather's experiences during the Nazi era.

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