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Head of association: more and more coronavirus patients and staff shortages in hospitals

The situation at hospitals in Germany is worsening due to the waves of infection: "Hospitals are experiencing a noticeable increase in patients with respiratory diseases, including an increasing number of patients with coronavirus," said the head of the German Hospital Federation (DKG), Gerald...

Clinic staff in
Clinic staff in

Head of association: more and more coronavirus patients and staff shortages in hospitals

"Some hospitals are already closing beds or wards again because they no longer have enough staff," said Gaß. In normal times, eight percent of the workforce was missing, now it is ten to twelve percent. "This presents clinics with major challenges."

In the past, clinics often compensated for such seasonal shortages with temporary staff. "But these temporary staff are very expensive," complained the head of the association. "Many hospitals no longer have the money for this."

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The Rheinische Post reported that Gaß, the head of the association, highlighted the issue of more and more corona patients and staff shortages in hospitals in Germany.
  2. Gaß mentioned that some hospitals are being forced to close beds or wards due to a wave of infection and staff absences.
  3. In normal circumstances, eight percent staff absence was common, but now it has increased to ten to twelve percent due to the Coronavirus.
  4. According to Gaß, this situation presents major challenges for hospitals as they struggle to cope with the increasing number of coronavirus patients.
  5. Gaß complained that clinics often compensated for seasonal shortages with temporary staff, but now they can't afford it as these temporary staff are very expensive.
  6. Many hospitals in Germany are struggling under the weight of these challenges, with staff absences adding to the problems.
  7. "Always more and more corona patients and staff shortages in hospitals," said the head of the association, expressing his concerns about the current situation in Düsseldorf.


