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Hauk wants more transparency in food prices

Baden-Württemberg's Consumer Protection Minister Peter Hauk (CDU) wants to promote greater transparency in food pricing. Food prices have recently risen massively, said Hauk on Thursday in Stuttgart. However, agriculture is only partly responsible for this, as it is only one link in the entire...

Consumer Protection Minister - Hauk wants more transparency in food prices

Baden-Württemberg's Consumer Protection Minister Peter Hauk (CDU) wants to promote greater transparency in food pricing. Food prices have recently risen massively, said Hauk on Thursday in Stuttgart. However, agriculture was only partly responsible for this, as it was only one link in the entire value chain. However, it was definitely not a driver of inflation, said Hauk.

There is an oligopoly in trade that needs to be investigated in depth, said the Minister of Agriculture. An oligopoly is a market with a few companies that occupy a large part of the market and are correspondingly powerful. Prices in trade deserve a closer look with regard to conformity in a market economy, said Hauk.

According to Hauk, a so-called market advisory board should also ensure greater transparency in future. This should be scientifically staffed, but also include representatives of those involved in the value creation stages. The market advisory board is to carry out a neutral assessment of producer, product, production and sales prices, according to the statement.


Read also:

  1. Minister Hauk from the CDU party in Baden-Württemberg, currently serving as the Consumer Protection Minister, advocates for increased transparency in food pricing due to recent substantial price hikes.
  2. In response to the escalating food prices, Peter Hauk emphasized that while agriculture may contribute partially, it is not the primary driver of inflation.
  3. Hauk proposed establishing a market advisory board aimed at boosting transparency, which would comprise scientific experts and stakeholders from various stages of the value chain.
  4. The proposed market advisory board would perform a neutral assessment of producer, product, production, and sales prices, aiming to ensure fairness and understanding in the food price market.
  5. The Consumer Protection Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Peter Hauk, contends that further examination is necessary for perceived trade pricing oligopolies, as this could potentially impact food price conformity within a market economy.


