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Hate crime in Grevesmühlen: Police adjust crime specifics

Revised police statements reveal no physical harm to the 8-year-old girl involved in a suspected racially motivated attack in Grevesmühlen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. As per the recent probe, the initial claims about the girl's injuries appear unsubstantiated, according to Rostock police...

Police car
Police car

Hate crime in Grevesmühlen: Police adjust crime specifics

On a chilly Friday night, a troubling incident unfolded involving around twenty youngsters and two girls, aged eight and ten, from a Ghanaian family. Initially, authorities claimed that one of the attackers assaulted the eight-year-old, striking her in the face. A special investigation team was swiftly established under the supervision of the state criminal police, and a tip line was provided for anyone with information.

After carefully examining neighbor tips and visual evidence, the tale seems to have taken a different turn, according to the police. Based on new data, it appears that the eight-year-old girl was skating along when a youth extended his leg to block her path and kicked her. A larger group of youths happened to be in the vicinity at the time. The children reportedly panicked, started crying, and fled to their parents.

According to police reports, the girls' parents intended to confront the youths. This led to heated verbal and physical arguments, the police said. Racist slurs against foreigners were also allegedly hurled, they added. The investigation into the incident is still ongoing, the police concluded.

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