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Haseloff criticizes offensive slogans linked to his party.

A video featuring racist chants from the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked public outrage in Germany, leading to a rise in similar incidents, particularly in Saxony-Anhalt.

Reiner Haseloff, Ministerpräsident des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.
Reiner Haseloff, Ministerpräsident des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.

This prime minister holds key responsibility. - Haseloff criticizes offensive slogans linked to his party.

The president of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff from the CDU party, has expressed his disapproval of racist chants, considering them a criminal act. During an interview with MDR, he emphasized that every effort to stop such incidents should be made, even using all the resources available to the state. Haseloff further commented on the current state of affairs in Germany, expressing disappointment and hope that Germany would not see a replication of the situation in Sylt.

In Saxony-Anhalt alone, police are currently investigating at least three incidents involving racist chants, with charges of inciting hatred being considered. For instance, attendees of a party tent during 'Eierbetteln' in Leißling near Weißenfels have been accused of singing along to a 20-year-old party hit that included the slogans "Ausländer raus" and "Deutschland den Deutschen". Other cases have emerged in Magdeburg and Halle, according to the police. The disturbing video from the North Sea island of Sylt a week ago sparked outrage across the country, showing numerous people singing the controversial song.

Minister President Haseloff called on all citizens to stand up to these criminal acts. He urged them to act swiftly by reporting such incidents and exhausting all legal means available, such as filing immediate complaints.

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