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Haseloff: Challenges can be solved together

Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Haseloff focuses on cohesion in the state. In his New Year's address, however, he also refers to several crises.

Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, during a press conference.
Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, during a press conference.

New Year's speech - Haseloff: Challenges can be solved together

Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has pointed to signs of hope and confidence in the face of crises and challenges. "Many people are very worried about the future. I take these concerns very seriously," he said in his New Year's address, which will be broadcast on MDR television on Monday, according to the State Chancellery. "But I also say that major social challenges can be solved together. The motivation and cohesion in our country are remarkable."

The Prime Minister referred to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which continues unabated, as well as the war in the Middle East. "We were and are very aware of our responsibility and obligation. Despite everything, however, we still hope that the violence will end soon and that there will be peace in Ukraine and the Middle East."

With regard to Saxony-Anhalt, Haseloff pointed to the opening of the new synagogues in Dessau and Magdeburg in 2023. "This is our response to terror and all forms of anti-Semitism." The Minister President referred to universities and research institutions. "Saxony-Anhalt is perceived worldwide as a state of the future and a highly attractive investment location." Renowned companies are settling here. Despite all the burdens, the labor market is stable and wages have risen sharply in some cases. The country is on a reliable and solid financial footing.

"We have come through the crises very well so far. That should make us feel positive. We want to carry this momentum into the new year," said the Minister President. At the same time, the challenges remain great. "We all bear responsibility for the protection and sustainable development of our environment. However, the associated structural change must not jeopardize our prosperity and competitiveness."

The Minister President also addressed the topic of migration. He emphasized: "Immigration must not overburden people. A constitutional procedure also includes the rapid return of rejected asylum seekers to their home country. Applicable law must finally be consistently implemented again". In turn, people with prospects of staying should be placed in work more quickly.

Read also:

  1. In his upcoming New Year's address on MDR television, Reiner Haseloff, the Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt (CDU), will discuss the collective effort required to overcome major social challenges, despite the concerns and worries about the future.
  2. Referring to international conflicts, Haseloff expressed hope in his New Year's address that Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the violence in the Middle East will end soon, leading to peace in both regions.
  3. During his New Year's address, Haseloff highlighted the significance of the opening of new synagogues in Dessau and Magdeburg in 2023, representing a positive response to terror and anti-Semitism, and emphasized Saxony-Anhalt's status as a future-oriented investment location.
  4. In his New Year's address, Haseloff acknowledged the country's robust financial position and stable labor market, but emphasized the responsibility of individuals and the government in safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainable development without jeopardizing prosperity and competitiveness.
  5. Addressing the issue of migration in his New Year's address, Haseloff stressed that immigration should not place an undue burden on the population, advocating for the swift return of rejected asylum seekers to their home countries and expediting employment opportunities for those with prospects of staying in the country.




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